Western Ranch & Pet Supply
Aegean Way in Vacaville
+1 (469) 773-1893 March 11th, 2023
We will absolutely miss his zaney personality and his air biscuits

Western Ranch & Pet Supply
103 Aegean Way in Vacaville
+1 (469) 773-1893 March 11th, 2023
Western Ranch & Pet Supply
103 Aegean Way in Vacaville
+1 (469) 773-1893 March 9th, 2023
Our beautiful princess Frannie got adopted today

We love your sweet and sassy personality and you will be so so missed !!

Western Ranch and Pet Supply
Aegean Way in Vacaville
+1 (469) 773-1893 March 7th, 2023
Congratulations Zane on finding your furever home. Thank you to this lovely couple who chose Zane to join their family

Western Ranch and Pet Supply
103 Aegean Way in Vacaville
+1 (469) 773-1893 March 6th 2023
He really liked his new family
Western Ranch And Pet Supply March 1st 2023
Dirk is on his way home

Let's wish her and her new family well!
Western Ranch Adoption February 25th, 2023
It was love at first sight
February 23rd, 2023
You are already so well loved by your new pet parents
February 17th, 2023
Congratulations on your new family! They were so excited to take you home.
February 15th, 2023, western ranch and pet supply cat adoption
Our little sweetheart Rosie found her mom today. I know you will love exploring your new home and playing with your new brother. Thank you for opening your heart to this precious girl!
February 13th, 2023 western ranch cat adoption 2023
Adoption Success

Kit Kat and Twix, adoption September 2022. Adopted mom came in shopping today and updated us with stories about the sister's, pictures of them and the love they share to each other and their family.
Oh, how it makes our hearts happy Thank You Western Ranch
The bonded brothers, Jean Claude and Jean Pierre have been adopted TOGETHER

Happy Adoption Day Boys! We couldn't be happier for you both!
February 8th, 2023 Western Ranch Cat Adoption 2023
Thunder you will be missed! Now you get to snuggle cuddle your new sister every day.
February 4th 2023

Congratulations Than on finding your forever home today
January 30th 2023 Nerahuws

Congratulations on your new home, Daphne
January 29th 2023

Adoption #15 in 2023
Congratulations on your new home Sass A Frass Sharing all that sass with her new parents.
January 29th 2023

Oh Sunflower I’m sad to see you leave, but so happy you get to shine your light and brighten up your new home
January 27th 2023

Congratulations Sheldon
This sweet, loving boy found his furever home today ! I’m going to miss hearing your sweet little voice.
Jan 23rd 2023 Nerahuws

Martina found her furever home today. Thank you to this lovely family for providing Martina with the love and care she deserves. Have fun with your new little sister girls!
Western Ranch And Pet Supply Kitten Adoption
Jan 21st 2023

Dorito is on his way home with his amazing new mom!
Jan 13th 2023 Western Ranch And Pet Supply Kitten Adoption

Congratulations on your adoption, Potato!
January 12th 2023

Congratulations to Penny! Your new mom already loves you more than you know!
Jan 11th 2023

Fritos, is on his way home with a very excited family!
Congratulations! And thank you
Jan 7th 2023

I mean, they came in wanting one buuuuut...sometimes two is much better than one
Congratulations Mooshie and Mochi on your furever home.
Jan 7th 2023

Thank you for adopting the lovely, Zulu
Absolutely adored this couple's excitement and enthusiasm for adopting Best of love, luck and wishes.
Western Ranch & Pet Supply
103 Aegean Way in Vacaville
+1 (469) 773-1893
Jan 7th 2023

Cheeto is on her way home!!!
Her new mommy could not wait to take her home!
Jan 6th 2023

Our handsome dwarf lion head Rex got adopted by his furever home today ! It makes me so happy to see this wonderful family open their hearts and home to Rex
jan 5th 2023
Grace is outta here! On her way home with this sweet little girl
Jan 5th 2023
Western Ranch And Pet Supply Adoption
Adoption #248
Adoption #247 Wall-E
This adoption made our hearts so happy. Wall-E is going to his forever home as a true companion pet. 

Fuggles is on her way to her fur-ever home!!!

We are so happy for Fuggles and her new family!!
We partner with Pits R US all Breed Rescue to help find forever homes for some animals in need
Nemo has found his furever home! We are so excited for him to go home to his new family
We have partnered with
Pitsrus All Breed Rescue to find these furbabes their furever homes!

Grace has found her furever home! We are so excited for her to go home to her new family
We have partnered with
Pitsrus All Breed Rescue to find these furbabes their furever homes!

Adoption #96 has found his furever home! We are so excited for him to go home to his new family
We have partnered with
Pitsrus All Breed Rescue to find these furbabes their furever homes!
Orange has found his furever homes! We are so excited for him to go home to his new family
We have partnered with
Pitsrus All Breed Rescue to find these furbabes their furever homes!

Purple AND Blue have found their furever homes! We are so excited for them to go home to their new family
We have partnered with
Pitsrus All Breed Rescue to find these furbabes their furever homes!

Stargirl has found her furever home! We are so excited for her to go home to her new family
We have partnered with
Super Fur-iends to find these furbabes their furever homes!
Rumplestiltskin has been adopted into his furever home
We have partnered with
Pits R Us to help find fur babies their fur-ever homes!!!
Garfunkel has found his furever home! We are so excited for him to go to a home
We have partnered with
PitsRUs to find these furbabes their furever homes!
Pickles has found his furever home! We wish this family the best of luck and happiest of memories to be made
We have partnered with
PitsRUs to find these furbabes their furever homes!
Adoption #90 Pepperoni has found his furever home! We wish this pet the best of luck and happiest of memories to be made
We have partnered with PitsRUs to find these furbabes their furever homes!
Adoption #89
Banana has found his furever home! We wish these pet parents the best of luck and happiest of memories to be made
We have partnered with PitsRUs to find these furbabes their furever homes!