Sale price$206


Note All Rodeo and Roping Equipment is Stocked in Texas and will be Shipped to California when purchased the current lead time is from 2 weeks to 4 weeks 


These are Priefert’s heaviest, most durable panel and are ideal for use in crowding lanes in cattle systems, in rodeo back pens, or wherever uncooperative cattle are moved.

Priefert Rough Stock Panels are built to withstand whatever may challenge it. As the panel line of choice for the PRCA, the NFR, and the PBR, our Rough Stock Panels are unmatched in their durability. As Priefert’s heaviest panel, Rough Stock Panels are ideal for permanent corrals because they are engineered to handle the high stress crowding of even the rankest stock. Constructed from 2” OD 14 gauge tubing, Rough Stock Panels require connector posts. When used with our standard Rough Stock Connector Posts, these panels stand 6’ tall to discourage livestock from jumping on them, increasing the protection and security for the operator. These panels may also be connected directly to Rough Stock Alley Frames and Alley Gates. Rough Stock Panels feature closed ends with no sharp edges. These “balled ends” are not only a safety feature, but also prevent moisture from getting inside the panel. Heavy duty, fully welded vertical stays further enhance the strength and stability of these panels. The Architectural Grade Powder Coat Finish helps the product to resist rust, scratches, and fading to add years of life to your investment. If you are looking for a containment system with long life and ultimate durability and didn’t think you could find it in a modular panel, look no further; Priefert Rough Stock Panels can handle the job.

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